Bridges & Viaducts

Guà Bridge – Sp33 “Montorsina”

Bridge under construction

Cerrano Viaduct – provisional devices

Installation of hinge locking devices and shock absorbers for longitudinal provisional connecting bars

Corbara Viaduct

Provisional shoring of a span and refurbishment by external prestress

Trezze Viaduct

Structural retrofitting in Venice Lagoon

Brenta Bridge

Demolition and rebuilding of a span without closing the public road

Montoro Viaduct

Structural rehabilitation and seismic retrofitting

Carburo Viaduct

Structural rehabilitation and retrofitting of an A14 highway viaduct

Brusciano Viaduct

Structural refurbishment of the external post stress system along beams and piers strengthening

New footbridge at Trieste’s airport

Design of metallic structures

Morello Viaduct

Structural retrofitting of a 5,5km viaduct - A19 Highway - Palermo Catania
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